Closed magnetic circuit for lowest EMI (閉合磁性電路防EMI干擾對策)Common mode for DC power lines (共模DC直流電端端應用)Dual-winding configuration makes 1 unit suffice for one port (雙組繞線在一個磁芯上的特點)
Capable of handling the highest current(up to 5A) of any chip-type common mode filter (可有效處理任何電流達5A以上的基層式共模濾波器)Noise is greatly suppressed (有效抑制雜訊)
Capable of handling the highest current(up to 5A) of any chip-type common mode filter (可有效處理任何電流達5A以上的基層式共模濾波器)Noise is greatly suppressed (有效抑制雜訊)
Capable of handling the highest current(up to 5A) of any chip-type common mode filter (可有效處理任何電流達5A以上的基層式共模濾波器)Noise is greatly suppressed (有效抑制雜訊)
Effective in high frequency noise suppression(高頻之雜訊抑制對策佳)The common mode choke coil structure and without degrading the signal(共模扼流線圈結構,訊號不衰減)Small Size, Easy to use(體積小、使用方便)
Effective in high frequency noise suppression(高頻之雜訊抑制對策佳)The common mode choke coil structure and without degrading the signal(共模扼流線圈結構,訊號不衰減)Small Size, Easy to use(體積小、使用方便)