High frequency (高频)Highest possible SRFs as well as excellent Q values (高共振频率及高品质因素)The wire is wound directry on the ceramic core at a precision pitch (高精度绕线制品)
High frequency (高频)Highest possible SRFs as well as excellent Q values (高共振频率及高品质因素)The wire is wound directry on the ceramic core at a precision pitch (高精度绕线制品)
High frequency (高频)Highest possible SRFs as well as excellent Q values (高共振频率及高品质因素)The wire is wound directry on the ceramic core at a precision pitch (高精度绕线制品)
High frequency (高频)Highest possible SRFs as well as excellent Q values (高共振频率及高品质因素)The wire is wound directry on the ceramic core at a precision pitch (高精度绕线制品)
High frequency (高频)Highest possible SRFs as well as excellent Q values (高共振频率及高品质因素)The wire is wound directry on the ceramic core at a precision pitch (高精度绕线制品)
High frequency (高频)Highest possible SRFs as well as excellent Q values (高共振频率及高品质因素)The wire is wound directry on the ceramic core at a precision pitch (高精度绕线制品)